
39. Jamil, M. A., Mustofa, R., Hossain, N. U. I., Rahman, S. A., & Chowdhury, S. (2024). A Theoretical Framework for Exploring the Industry 5.0 and Sustainable Supply Chain Determinants. Supply Chain Analytics, 100060.

38.Al-Bayati, A. J., Karakhan, A. A., & Alzarrad, A. (2024). Quantifying the Mediating Effect of Frontline Supervisors on Workers’ Safety Actions: A Construction Safety Culture Focus. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 29(3), 04024025.

37.Alzarrad, A., Wise, C., Chattopadhyay, A., Chowdhury, S., Cisko, A., & Beasley, J. (2024). Railroad Infrastructure Management: A Novel Tool for Automatic Interpretation of GPR Imaging to Minimize Human Intervention in Railroad Inspection. CivilEng, 5(2), 378-394.

36.Chowdhury, S., Dey, A., & Alzarrad, A. (2024). Charting pathways to holistic development: challenges and opportunities in the Navajo Nation. Environment Systems and Decisions, 1-15.

35.Alzarrad, A., Miller, M., Durham, L., & Chowdhury, S. (2024). Revolutionizing construction safety: introducing a cutting-edge virtual reality interactive system for training US construction workers to mitigate fall hazards. Frontiers in Built Environment, 10, 1320175.

34.Alzarrad, A., Miller, M., Chowdhury, S., McIntosh, J., Perry, T., & Shen, R. (2023). Harnessing Virtual Reality to Mitigate Heat-Related Injuries in Construction Projects. CivilEng, 4(4), 1157-1168.

33.Alzarrad, A., Chowdhury, S., & Al-Mhdawi, MKS. (2023). Available at SSRN 4504782.

32.James, D., Chowdhury, S., & Alzarrad, A. (2023). Unveiling Key Themes and Establishing a Hierarchical Taxonomy of Disaster-Related Tweets: A Text Mining Approach for Enhanced Emergency Management Planning. Information. 14(7), 385.

31.Chowdhury, S., & Alzarrad, A. (2023). Applications of Text Mining in the Transportation Infrastructure Sector: A Review. Information. 14(4), 201.

30.Chowdhury, S., & Zhu, J. (2023). Investigation of critical factors for future-proofed transportation infrastructure planning using topic modeling and association rule mining. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 37(1), 04022044.

29.Alzarrad, A., Awolusi, I., Hatamleh, M. T. & Terreno, S. (2022). Automatic Assessment of Roofs Conditions Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Frontiers in Built Environment, 8(1), 1-8.

28.Chowdhury S., and Zhu J. (2022).“Investigation of Critical Factors for Future-proofed Transportation Infrastructure Planning Using Topic Modeling and Association Rule Mining” (Accepted in ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering).

27.Zhu, J., and Chowdhury S. (2022). “Building Resilience in Civil Infrastructure Systems: System-Level Biomimicry to Address Complex Managerial Challenges.” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems.

26.Awolusi, I., Marks, E., Hainen, A., & Alzarrad, A. (2022). Incident Analysis and Prediction of Safety Performance on Construction Sites. CivilEng, 3(3), 669-686.

25.Chowdhury S., Shahvari O., Marufuzzaman M., Li X., Bian L. (2021). “Drone Routing and Optimization for Post-disaster Inspection.” Computers & Industrial Engineering, 159 (107495).

24.Alzarrad, A., Emanuels, C., Imtiaz, M., & Akbar, H. (2021). Automatic Assessment of Buildings Location Fitness for Solar Panels Installation Using Drones and Neural Network. CivilEng, 2(1), 1052-1064.

23.Alzarrad, M. A., Moynihan, G.P., Parajuli, A. & Mehra, M. (2021). 4D BIM Simulation Guideline for Construction Visualization and Analysis of Renovation Projects: A Case Study. Frontiers in Built Environment, 7(1), 1-10.

22.Chowdhury S., Zhu J., Zhang W. (2020). “Optimized Restoration Planning of Infrastructure System-ofSystems using Heterogeneous Network Flow Simulation.” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (Invited in Special Issue), 34:5.

21.Chowdhury S., Zhu J., Rasoulkhani K., Mostafavi A., Jaselskis E., Stoa R., Li Q., Banerjee S., Alsharef A., Brannen L. (2020). “Guidelines for Robust Adaptation to Environmental Regulations in Infrastructure Projects.” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (Editor’s Choice Recognition), 146(10).

20.Li Q.,Brannen L., Rasoulkhani K., Mostafavi A., Stoa R., Chowdhury S., Alsharef A., Banerjee S., Zhu J., Jaselskis E. (2020). “Regulatory Adaptation in the Construction Industry: Case Study of the OSHA Update to the Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard.” Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 12(4).

19.Rasoulkhani K., Brannen L., Zhu J., Mostafavi A., Jaselskis E., Stoa R., Li Q.,Alsharef A., Banerjee S., Chowdhury S. (2020). “Establishing a Future-Proofing Framework for Infrastructure Projects to Proactively Adapt to Complex Regulatory Landscapes.” Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(4).

18.Hatamleh, M. T., Moynihan, G. P., Alzarrad, M. A., & Batson, R. G. (2020). Using The Project management Maturity Models to Evaluate Organizational Implementation in Jordan: A Case Study. International Journal of Construction Project Management, 12(1), 17-31.

17.Alzarrad, M. A., Moynihan, G. P., Hatamleh, M. T., and Song, S. (2019). Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model for Time-Cost-Risk Trade-Off Optimization in Construction Projects. Advances in Civil Engineering Journal, Article ID 7852301, 1-7.

16.Chowdhury S., Shahvari O., Marufuzzaman M., Francis J., Bian L. (2019). “Sustainable Design of OnDemand Supply Chain Network for Additive Manufacturing.” IISE Transactions(Featured in June 2019 IISE Magazine), 744-765.

15.Chowdhury S., Marufuzzaman M., Tunc H., Bullington W., Bian L. (2019). “A Modified Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Solving a Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem: A Case Study with Drones for Wildlife Surveillance.” Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 6(3).

14.Khanzadeh M., Chowdhury S., Marufuzzaman M., Tschopp M.A., Bian L. (2019). “In-Situ Monitoring of Melt Pool Images for Porosity Prediction in Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing Processes.” IISE Transactions (Featured in June 2019 IISE Magazine), 1-19.

13.Poudel S., Chowdhury S., Marufuzzaman M., Bian L., Mudbari M., Pradhan G. (2019). “Drone Transportation Cost Analysis for Emergency Medical Products.” International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 9(3).

12.Emelogu A., Chowdhury S., Marufuzzaman M., Bian L. (2019). “Distributed or Centralized? A Novel Supply Chain Configuration of Additively Manufactured Biomedical Implants for Southeastern US States” CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 24: 17-34.

11.Crawford, P. S., Alzarrad, M. A., Graettinger, A. J., Alexander, M. H., Back, E., & Powell, L. (2018). Rapid Disaster Data Dissemination and Vulnerability Assessment through Synthesis of a Web-Based Extreme Event Viewer and Deep Learning. Advances in Civil Engineering Journal, Article ID 7258156, 1-14.

10. Moynihan, G., Alzarrad, M. A. (2015). Application of Hedging Principles to Materials Price Risk Mitigation in Construction Projects. International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 4(5), 180-190.

9.Poudel S., Marufuzzaman M., Quddus M.A., Chowdhury S., Bian L., Smith B. (2018). “Designing a Reliable and Congested Network for Bio-fuel Supply Chain.” Energies ,11:7.

8.Khanzadeh M., Chowdhury S., Marufuzzaman M., Tschopp M.A., Bian L. (2018). “Porosity Prediction: Supervised-learning of Thermal History for Direct Laser Deposition.” Journal of manufacturing systems, 47: 69-82.

7.Quddus M.A., Chowdhury S., Marufuzzaman M., Yu F. (2018). “A Two-stage Chance-constrained Stochastic Programming Model for a Bio-fuel Supply chain Network.” International Journal of Production Economics, 195: 27-44.

6.Chowdhury S., Khanzadeh M., Akula R., Zhang F., Zhang S., Medal H., Marufuzzaman M., Bian L.(2017). “Botnet Detection Using Graph-based Feature Clustering.” Journal of Big Data, 4:14.

5.Roni M.S., Chowdhury S., Mamun S., Marufuzzaman M., Lein W., Johnson S. (2017). “Biomass Co-firing Technology With Policies, Challenges, and Opportunities: A Global Review.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78:1089-1101.

4.Chowdhury S., Emelogu A., Marufuzzaman M., Nurre S.G., Bian L. (2017). “Drones for Disaster Response and Relief Operations: A Continuous Approximation Model.” International Journal of Production Economics, 188:167-184.

3.Emelogu A., Chowdhury S., Marufuzzaman M., Bian L., Eksioglu B. (2016). “An Enhanced Sample Average Approximation Method for Stochastic Optimization.” International Journal of Production Economics,182:230-252.

2.Chowdhury S., Haque K. A., Sumon M. (2015). “Implementation of Lean Strategies In a Furniture Manufacturing Factory.” IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 12(1):45-50.

1.Chowdhury S., Haque K. A., Shahwath A. (2014). “Implementation of 5S and Its Effect in a Selected Garments Factory: A Case Study.” Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 10:291-297.


Conference Proceedings and Presentations

26.Chowdhury, S., & Alzarrad, A. (2023). Sociocultural and Sociopolitical Challenges for STEM Education in the Current Era. 2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference.

25.Malik, H., Alzarrad, A., & Shakshukib, E. (2022, October 26-28). Payload Assisted Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Structural Health Monitoring (UAVSHM) for Active Damage Detection. The proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks. Leuven, Belgium.

24.Alzarrad, A., Akbar, H., Awolusi, I., & Song, S. (2022, April 20-23). The Effects of COVID-19 on the Safety Procedures of Construction Workers: A Survey. The proceeding of the 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

23.Alzarrad, A., Akbar, H., Awolusi, I., & Song, S. (2022, April 20-23). E-procurement Practices in The U.S. Construction Industry. The proceeding of the 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

22.O’Leary, J., Awolusi, I., Alzarrad, A., & Nnaji, C. (2022, April 20-23). Eco-efficient Construction: The Utilization of Nanotechnology and 3D Printing in the Sustainable Building Practices of the AEC Industry. The proceeding of the 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

21.Waugaman, H., Alzarrad, M. A., & Bryce, J. (2022, Mar 9-17). Cost Estimate Risk Factors in US Army Corps of Engineers’ Emergency Streambank Protection Projects. Proceedings of the ASCE Construction Research Congress 2022 Conference, Arlington, Virginia.

20.Song, S., Alzarrad, M. A., & Kim, S. (2022, Mar 9-17). Improving BIM Integration and Implementation in Construction Education. Proceedings of the ASCE Construction Research Congress 2022 Conference, Arlington, Virginia.

19.Chowdhury, S., and Zhu, J. (2021). “The Usage of Association Rule Mining towards Future-proofed Transportation Infrastructure Planning.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, September 12-14, 2021, Orlando, FL. (Invited to submit a full paper in a special issue of ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering)

18.Chowdhury, S., and Zhu, J. (2021). “An Agent-Based Model for Resilient Power Distribution System Restoration in Dynamic Environments.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, September 12-14, 2021, Orlando, FL.

17.Zatar, W., Alzarrad, M. A., Nguyen, T. T., & Nguyen H. D. (2021, Nov. 1-3). Artificial Neural Network Utilization for Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Concrete Structures. ACI 2021 Virtual Concrete Convention: The Concrete Industry in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. Virtual Conference.

16.Hossain, M., Miah, S., Alzarrad, M. A., Wolfe, K., Dial, A., Keys, C., Spaunhorst, M., & Merrill, N. (2021, June 8-10). On the Adoption of 5G Cellular Network Using Small Cells in Transportation Infrastructure. Proceedings of the International Conference on Transportation and Development, Virtual Conference.

15.Rasoulkhani, K., Alsharef A., Banerjee S., Chowdhury, S., Li, Q., Mostafavi A., Zhu, J., Jaselskis E., Stoa R. B. (2020). “A Process Map for Regulatory Adaptation in the Construction Industry.” ASCE Construction Research Congress, March 8-10, 2020, Tempe, AZ.

14.Elhouar, S., Hochscheid, E., Alzarrad, M.A., & Emanuels, C. (2020, June 28- July 01). Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Take over the Construction World? A Multidisciplinary Exploration. Proceedings of the 2020 Creative Construction e-Conference, Opatija, Croatia.

13. Alzarrad, M. A., & Hatamleh, M. T. (2020, Mar 8-10). A GIS-Based Artificial Neural Network Model to Assess Building Location Potential to Harvest Solar Energy. Proceedings of the ASCE Construction Research Congress 2020 Conference, Tempe, Arizona, USA.

12.Alzarrad, M. A., & Elhouar, S. (2019, Jun 29 – Jul 2). 3D Printing Applications in Construction from the Past and into the Future. Proceedings of the 2019 Creative Construction Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

11.Chowdhury, S. and Zhu, J. (2019). “Heterogeneous Network Flow Model for Optimized Restoration Planning of Interdependent Infrastructure System-of-Systems.” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-19, 2019, Atlanta, GA. (Invited to submit a full paper in a special issue of ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering)

10.Chowdhury, S. and Zhu, J. (2019). “Towards The Ontology Development for Smart Transportation Infrastructure Planning Via Topic Modeling.” 36th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, May 21-24, 2019, Banff, AB, Canada.

9.Alsharef A., Jaselskis E., Mostafavi A., Zhu, J., Stoa R., Banerjee S., Rasoulkhani, K., Li, Q., and Chowdhury, S. (2019).“ Assessing the Impact of Regulatory Changes on Capital Projects in the United States.” CIB World Building Congress, June 17-21, 2019, Hong Kong, China.

8.Elhouar, S., Alzarrad, M.A., & Elhouar, S. (2019, Jun 29 -Jul 2). A Synopsis Of 3D Printing and Robotics Applications in Construction. Proceedings of the 2019 Creative Construction Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

7.Alzarrad, M. A., Moynihan, G. P., & Vereen, S. C. (2017, May 31-June 3). Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing to Optimize Crew Configurations of Linear Repetitive Projects. Proceedings of the 6th CSCE/CRC International Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

6.Alzarrad, M. A., Moynihan, G. P., & Vereen, S. C. (2017, May 31-June 3). Weather Derivatives as a Risk Management Tool for Construction Projects. Proceedings of the 6th CSCE/CRC International Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

5.Chowdhury, S., Emelogu A., Marufuzzaman M., Bian L., and Smith B.(2017). “Drone Routing and Optimization for Wildlife Surveillance.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, 22-25 Oct., Houston, TX, USA.

4.Chowdhury, S., Emelogu A., Marufuzzaman M., and Bian L.(2016). “An Enhanced Sample Average Approximation Technique to Solve a Two-Stage Chance-Constrained Optimization Problem.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, 13-16 Nov., Nashville, TN, USA.

3.Chowdhury, S., Kabli M., and Marufuzzaman M.(2016). “Efficient and Reliable Package Delivery Path Planning for Drones.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, 13-16 Nov., Nashville, TN, USA.

2.Chowdhury, S., Emelogu A., Marufuzzaman M., and Bian L.(2016). “A Continuum-Approximation Approach to Optimize Routing Decisions for Drones under Extreme Events.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, 13-16 Nov., Nashville, TN, USA.

1.Alzarrad, M. A., Moynihan, G. P., and Vereen, S. C. (2015, June 7-10). Guideline to Apply Hedging to Mitigate the Risk of Construction Material Price Escalation. Proceedings of the 5th CSCE/CRC International Construction Specialty Conference, Vancouver, Canada.